On the lighter side, I bought myself new rope to refresh my steady helper, the clothesline. It needs to be put up. The fresh-air smell in linen is delightful. I am glad I have such a luxury.
Hanging up clothes is a simple task, but time consuming, too. Yet, there are several benefits. While I do it I am serenaded by the trill of my springtime friends, the blackbirds. I can see the sun bathe the landscape and brighten up the green undergrowth of grass. I get my daily dose of the sunshine vitamin…Vitamin D.
As I hang my garments up, a cat leans in and rubs against the cuffs of my jeans to let me know I am part of “her territory.” As you can see, this is more than a job. It is an experience! It also gives me some outside time to think and consider things going on outside of my domain in the house. It is a worthwhile work that saves money on my electric bill, too.
Even during the winter, I have a clothesline strung up in my basement from which to hang my delicate items. I also use it for drying work clothes. Clotheslines are very handy no matter where they fulfill their purpose. However, my favorite place to work with it is in the out-of-doors.
As the fruit of the earth emerges in springtime, you might like to peruse our store for “Daffodils.”
photo credit: Wenda Grabau
photo credit: CAT 57 via photopin (license)
photo credit: Pinzas de colores via photopin (license)
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