Signs of spring are evident on the farm. Aside from all of the milking and chores, several jobs are in progress. Since we have had a hard, long winter and the cold temperatures linger, there is more wood to move into the wood room. Still, the blackbirds and robins are here, the position of the sun warms the lawn and green is breaking through the sod.
Spring cleaning on the farm becomes a priority.
- Downed and bothersome branches of trees and bushes are cut and hauled away.
- Cleaning of calf and chicken sheds take time.
- Manure removal and spreading must be done.
- Raking of flowerbeds to beautify the landscape of the grounds is moved to the top of my “Do List”.
- Oat seeds, cleaned by the fanning mill, are made ready for planting.
- Seed corn, alfalfa and garden seeds have been ordered.
- Machinery is maintained and made ready for the planting season.
- Bull calves have been sold.
Why all this “To Do” for spring? Why does the farmer do this every spring?
Since the time of Noah, God made mankind a promise. It is recorded in the ancient writings, in Genesis 8:22.
“While the earth remains,
Seed time and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer
And day and night
Shall not cease.”
God promised us that we can expect seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night. We can plan on it and we do.
photo credits:Wenda Grabau
You guys ran out of wood, huh? What a long winter it was this year! I’m so glad it is finally over!
He finally got the corn planted. Yes, it has been a long winter and a long spring.