Typical sights and sounds abound with the change of the seasons. As the winter ebbs, spring dawns to the delight of many. These are a few of the things to see and hear on the farm.
The sweet scent of lilac wafts its fragrance on the air.
The tractor rumbles off in the distance rolling clumps of sod over to expose rich, black earth.
The sun’s brightness sheds verdent colors over the awakening countryside.
Cool, yet mild, Minnesota temperatures chill my hands and cheeks.
New birds move into the area and greet me with cheerful songs.
Young oak leaves bud on the tree’s towering form.
Spring awakens one’s senses as well as creation. Spend some time looking, listening, feeling, smelling the changes that come with the season. Consider and wonder at our Creator’s work.
See a spring silhouette in our store.
If silhouettes are your interest you might explore this link.
Have a great day.
photo credit: starmist1 via photopin cc
photo credit: Earth via photopin (license)
photo credit: Autumn landscape via photopin (license)
photo credit: Sixty-two Degrees! via photopin (license)
photo credit: Robin singing at Leighton Moss RSPB , February 2010 via photopin (license)
photo credit: Wenda Grabau
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