Summer can be a very fruitful time on the farm. Besides baling hay, the garden gets a start in producing its treasures. After the asparagus and rhubarb emerge and produce, the berry blossoms silently make their presence known. As the mature strawberry crop climaxes and declines, the June berries, the currants, and raspberries take to the fore. Yes, fruit is in the making whether by design or by chance here on Heritage Farm.

One day, I trekked to our property fence line to pick currants. Every bush showed off its bobbles. Strung like colored beads on a Christmas tree, the shiny orange orbs dangled delicately from dainty stems attached to a fruiting stem. I snatched up the berries I could see easily. Then I sat on the ground, peering deeply into each bush to uncover the hidden berries. As I did, I heard the low drone of hummingbirds as they visited our hedge of trumpet vines nearby. Presently, I felt the warmth of something next to me. Our farm dog snuggled up by me under the shade of the currant bushes. Although I was the only one picking berries at the time, I was definitely not alone.
Later, I made two batches of currant jelly and currant buns. I also froze some currants for future use. The berries that the Lord has supplied have certainly shown us His generosity.
By this time, the raspberries began to ripen. My daughter picked our luscious golden raspberries. Coupled with my harvest of tart currants, the honey-sweet of the raspberries made a delightful, refreshing juice.
Berries show us the Lord’s creativity. Different colors, flavors, and shapes and even the different harvest times all demonstrate for us the variety of His creative nature. So you can see, the Lord gave us a Berry Good Day.
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photo credit:Wenda Grabau
photo credit: quinn.anya via photopin cc