Among my tasks on the farm as bookkeeper, cook, homemaker, tractor-driver, artist and musician, I have the opportunity to care for and elderly individual.
I spend time reading the Bible to her, I prepare her meals, I am a companion at times when my other work does not interfere. I do her laundry and keep her room swept and orderly. I get to change linen and help with bathing. I also get to wash and set her hair.
Today, I sought to soften the dry skin on her feet. Now, feet are not the most inviting place to touch anyone, especially if that one is ticklish. But the lotion was a needed luxury, so I set out to get the job done.
As I rubbed these tired feet, the Lord whispered in my ear. It was a Bible verse that you may recall. It goes like this, “In so far as you have done this to the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” Here I was warming and soothing a pair of well-worn feet. And He reminded Me that I was doing it unto Him. His Word, the Bible, comforted and encouraged me with my task and He showed me how important tasks like these are.
As it is said in Colossians 3:23, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” So even a foot rub can be done as unto the Lord and will please him. Keep up the good deeds!
photo credit: BrownPolyester Day 107 – Luke And Sandy – September, 2008 via photopin (license)
Pavla says
Thank you! 🙂