Did you ever want to hear the voice of the Lord? If so, Psalm 29 tells about the voice you are wanting to hear.
“The voice of the Lord is upon the waters;
The God of glory thunders,
The Lord is over many waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful,
The voice of the Lord is majestic.”
Psalm 29:3, 4 (NASB)
Further this Psalm reveals in verse 10:
“The Lord sat as King at the flood;
Yes, the Lord sits as King forever.”
One thought one might ponder today is:
Why does the Scripture say He sat as King at “the” flood.
Could it be referring to the Great Flood, the world-wide flood of Noah’s day?
It may be that many people who wish to hear God’s voice, have rejected the truth of the Great Flood. If one rejects the Great Flood, he or she might be deaf to the majestic and powerful voice of God.
In rejecting or ignoring the truth in the Holy Bible, there is much in life that cannot be revealed to us.
Spend time in His Word, listen to His voice. “Yes, the Lord sits as King forever.” Psalm 29:10b
If the ancient flood is of interest to you, try this website to see the research and evidence that you will not want to miss. https://answersingenesis.org/the-flood/
You may like to view a card in our products list. It is called “Standing on the Rock”. It pictures a lone tree growing from a rock on a wide and rugged lake shore.
photo credit: Winging It via photopin (license)
photo credit: Waves in ocean via photopin (license)
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