Have you ever had one of those days or weeks or months where everything seems to be against you? Or maybe you feel that every little mole hill really is a mountain. Life can be a great obstacle course, don’t you think?
Here is some wisdom from the Bible written by someone who saw a lot of obstacles in his life. They seemed to be hills that made his trek in life seem close to impossible. Psalm 121:1 and 2, “I look unto the hills. From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth.”
The hills can represent the obstacles you and I face. Our tendency is to look at them and feel overwhelmed with the their height and massive influence or control they have on our lives. They seem to have the “upper hand” in our journey.
But the psalmist says the help we need comes from the Lord who made the hills. If He indeed has made the hills and the mountains, then He is greater than they are.
If you are facing some tough circumstances that overwhelm you so that you cannot see “the end of the tunnel,” turn your focus from the obstacles to the Lord. He has made heaven and earth. He will help you and guide you in your situation.
photo credit:Wenda Grabau
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