Mrs. Cow became startled when I appeared out of nowhere as she had. So she looked for the nearest exit. She began her amble off to the east side of the farm to avoid me.
I knew the danger off in the east. Having no gate across the driveway to the county road left the real possiblity of Mrs. Cow going off to visit the neighbors, or worse yet, getting hit by a car. I summoned Faithful to my side and they scurried to the roadway to head off Mrs. Cow as she followed the road towards no-cow’s-land.
I used my farmwife savvy to catch that cow. I and Faithful positioned ourselves on the road and slowly approached her. But to our surprise, on this aspect of the grassy, green-carpeted hillside, stood 5 more of Mrs. Cow’s relatives. They, too, had gotten loose.
“Yikes! Now what?” I thought, shaking my head.
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