Today, I had a lot of milk to use. Our cow makes about 11 gallons/day. I cannot use it all, but I do want to be creative in using it. Today I chose to make a triple batch of vanilla pudding.
It occurred to me that supplying food for my family might have a parallel message in it for me to learn. Here are my observations. It may be that they will benefit you, too.
I hope these few tidbits quicken helpful thoughts in for mind that will help you live your life to please our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Supplying Food Parallel Lesson for Life
To make pudding: To live a life pleasing to God:
- Get the idea 1. Pray, ask the Lord for His idea for your life.
- Find a recipe 2. Go to the Book, the Holy Bible, for directions.
- Read directions 3. Read His Word. (A recipe is a tried & true way to do it).
- Note adj., adv. 4. Adjectives, adverbs describe. Be attentive, comply to them.
- Do things in order 5. Go step by step. Out of order will not yield best results.
The main ingredient of pudding, milk, is represented on our designed card called “Milk by the Pint”.
photo credit: bochalla Sweet simplicity via photopin (license)
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