Another verse I have committed to memory is Leviticus 19:11 . It says, “Thou shalt not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another.”
Why, you might ask, does this verse encourage me? Since I try to do all it says anyway, what can I learn from this verse?
Let me tell you. I Peter 1:16 says “As it is written, ‘Be ye holy, for I am holy.'” This quotes God’s very words. He commands us to be like Him. So when He instructs us, in Leviticus 19:11, to not steal, not deal falsely, and not lie to one another, He reveals to us what He is like.
God does not steal. He does not deal falsely. He does not lie. He will not steal from our lives, He gives to them. He does not deal falsely with us, He is righteous. He does not lie to us, He honestly tells us the truth. Because of His nature, I can trust Him.
Doesn’t He sound like the sort of friend you long to have? If you don’t know Him as your personal friend and Savior, confess your sin and your need of Him. Place your trust in Jesus Christ. Give your life to Him today. Your relationship to Him will start and as you spend time in His Word, He will instruct you and reveal Himself to you.
This Bible verse from Leviticus is filled with good instruction to use in directing our lives, but it also paints a picture of the very God I serve. Through it I can know him better.
Try memorizing scripture yourself. It can change your life.
photo credit: Ryk Neethling via photopin cc