Remember the little children’s song, “Obey your mommy and daddy?” We sung it when my kids were quite small. It has a great message that is good for oldsters as well as the youngsters.
Obedience, a key to a happy life, gets a bad rap from those who lean towards the, “Do your own thing” or ” I did it my way” mindset.
I have a true story to relate to you. In it you will see that obedience is a life-saver.
The warm weather lured me and my husband and our young son outdoors. For a fun part of our afternoon time, we pulled out the bikes and decided to all go bike riding. Our littlest member of the family was small enough to ride in a little bike trailer. My husband pulled her along with him. Our young son and I had our own bikes.
The farm is located on country roads. In those days traffic was not heavy as it gets these days in the summer. So we decided to ride to a nearby paved road for a smooth excursion. We went along nicely.
On the way back home we approached a stop sign. Our son’s youthful mind did not comprehend the meaning of the sign. As he came closer to it I yelled, “Stop!” He kept on rolling along. Again, with alarm in my voice, I shouted,”Stop!!” Just then a car came darting over the hill in front of us and whizzed right by.
My son’s obedience saved his life. He could have been hit by that car.
Our Heavenly Father wants our obedience, too. Just as I gave directions to my son for his safety, He gives us directions for our good, not for our harm. If you want His direction and want to hear His voice, spend time hearing and reading, studying, memorizing and meditating in the Word of God, the Holy Bible.
One of my prayers for my grandchildren is that they would learn the practice of obedience in their homes from their loving parents.
photo credit: Korean Resource Center 민족학교 via photopin cc
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