Dear Meowmy,
Early this morning I had a scary thing happen.
When Grammy came to feed us, I patiently waited to get some milk from her. I was simply minding my own business.
Grammy walked away.
Then I saw the funniest litter of kittens I ever saw. They walked on two legs. Their yellow, fluff-covered bodies came my way. Their high-pitched mews sounded like tiny, little whistles. I watched them carefully.
I had heard their noise before, but now I could see this litter of five coming into my space. Like a friendly neighbor, I stepped forward to investigate and show my interest.

Then, out of nowhere, this huge, red bird came right for me. She flapped her wings running through the straw to spear me with her beak. She must be the mother of that litter. Well, I have never seen such an out-of-sorts creature. She certainly did not behave like a calm, cool cat.
Her attack surprised me, so I ran off and found shelter behind an old door in the shed. My space seems to be shrinking, while theirs seems to be expanding. I will have to keep my distance from that mom and litter. (Grammy calls them “Hen and chicks.”)
Other than that, Kitten and I are fine. Kitten is getting a coat of nice thick fur. I am doing okay, too.
Come visit when you can.
photo credit: candycanedisco via photo pin cc
photo credit: jamesmorton via photo pin cc
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