Dear Meowmy,
Before my kitten’s fall, I had gotten my milk, but I did not get any other breakfast. I wanted to keep by the babies, so I settled in.
I heard Grammy call me for some reason. “Come Baby.” She called over and over.
I proved that I was more stubborn than Grammy. I stayed put.
She climbed the rest of the way up the ladder and padded around the loft to look for me.
She went to look for me by the window on the east wall of the shed. Grammy turned, started going back and, then, stopped short.
She heard me purring. She followed the sounds and, sure enough, she found us.
I trust her. So when she reached in to the nest, I did not mind. She left me a handful of food so that I would not have to leave my babies again to get my breakfast.
Grammy tried to see how many babies I have, but she was afraid to move the straw bales too much. She did not want to destroy our little home. So, one day, when the kittens are a lot bigger she will get that chance. I just hope she keeps bringing me my lunch.
I look forward to showing my kittens to you, Meowmy. They are real cuties.
photo credit: Audringje via photo pin cc
photo credit: jareed via photo pin cc
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