At long last the farmland awakes from its slumber. The farm sheds white snowy robes, to don its verdant hue. Tucked in the green blades, violets peek out to cheer the passer-by. The grass itself has come alive.
Perennials poke their rising heads from the flowerbeds. Crocuses shine their brilliant white smiles reflecting their resurrected glory. Lilac buds swell. Red globes of rhubarb rest on the soil ready to send forth leaves. Prickly raspberry canes put forth green leaflets and send out new plants. Tulips and daffodils emerge with the promise of vibrant color to awake the senses. Renewal has come.
Sounds in stereo fill the ears. Blackbirds trill, robins sing, sparrows chirp the glad tidings of spring. The shrill call of cardinals splits through the air. Wind blows majestically through budding tree limbs. Thunder rumbles to announce life-giving rain. Indeed, the sounds of spring have come.
The sun’s rays thaw and warm the soil. Farmers can at last navigate over the field’s clods to ready it for planting. Fertilizing, dragging and disking get the ground in readiness for its life-giving labor. The earth, it, too, is awakening.
In sight, sound and warmth, O Man, awake from thy slumber to behold things that God Himself is doing.
photo credit: Wenda Grabau
photo credit: Wenda Grabau
photo credit: Wenda Grabau
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