World Book Dictionary says, “Thanksgiving Day: a day set apart as a holiday on which to give thanks for God’s kindness during the year. In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November and commemorates the harvest feast of the Pilgrims in 1621…”
How would you give thanks to someone for every act of kindness he has shown you throughout the year? Would you:
- Bake a cake?
- Have friends and relatives over to show him or her your thanks?
- Watch football together?
- Indulge in rich foods and then take a nap?
- Take a few seconds in quiet to say thank you?
- Go to a parade?
Would all of this be a sufficient way to thank that person?
If someone wanted to thank you for all of your kindness for the year, would that gratify you? Is there anything missing in these ways of thanking someone?
How about:
- A heart-felt time of relating to one another, expressing your love and appreciation
- Calling attention to some specific ways that one has been so kind
- If that one has asked you to do something for them, would you do it?
- Tell that person that you noticed what he did
Think about it. Thanksgiving Day is more than a few seconds long. How can you make Thanksgiving day more meaningful for the One who is worthy of your thanks?
photo credit: riptheskull via photopin cc
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