(An exerpt from the book, Tales from Heritage Farm.)

Judy, my mother-in-law, had a raspberry patch which I inherited when my husband and I moved on to Heritage Farm. I recall her relating a little trick to me that she put into practice when berry picking. In order for me to get a pail full of berries, her counsel was, “Get down on your knees and look up.”
Out I went, pail in hand. The plumpness of the berries was evident. They were indeed ready to harvest. The tangy, sweet smell of ripening fruit made my mouth water. I worked my way into the scratchy patch. With every move I made, the tangle of thorny raspberry plants reached out to snag me. I picked every ripe berry I could see.

Then, in response to her words, I got down on my knees and looked up. . . There in that world down under the raspberry leaves bobbed hundreds of bright red treasures ready for the picking. Judy was right! What sound advice she gave me that day.
Since then, we have enjoyed raspberry shortcake, jam, jelly, syrup, sauce, and, of course, luscious pie. My technique of eyeing the crop from above the patch did produce a yield. But a much greater, more abundant harvest was just under the canopy of leaves. I simply needed to “get down on my knees and look up.”
(To be continued)
photo credit: Zaqqy J. via photo pin cc
photo credit: Olga Oslina via photo pin ccA
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