Have you ever met a cat that obeyed?
Cats seem to have developed the stereotype of independent self-centeredness. If the cat is happy…life is good.
On my walk to the mailbox today I stepped out onto my front porch. The sun-washed landscape displayed clear, blue sky, lush green grass and spring blooms bursting out all over. At my ankles, up came a loudly purring, long-haired feline named Baby to greet me.
Baby came to us accidentally. Road workers bull-dozing the nearby county road, saw a lost little kitten by a stump as they worked. Since we were the closest farm, they told us about her. Word got to my daughter, who passionately saves kittens in distress.
She adopted this little bag of fur and bones. She fed, bathed and cradled her in her hooded sweatshirt. Her love and nurturing gave Baby a new lease on life. So Baby grew up in the farmhouse.
When Baby lived there, I learned to communicate with her. I used a technique that cats use to show displeasure. To let her know she should stop an unacceptable behavior, I hissed at her. It worked!
The day came when our daughter left the farm and I moved Baby to the calf shed with the barn cats. She held her own and is doing well. She is a natural mother cat and raises her kittens skillfully.
On my way to the mailbox, I must cross the road. It is well-traveled and a hazard to cats if they happen to cross it during a hunt.
So when I walk to the road and Baby is following, I say, “SSSSST!!!” Baby sits and waits for me to cross the road and come back to her. Then we go on our way together to our next task.
Isn’t it interesting how this little creature can understand a warning from a non-feline? I see the danger at the road better than Baby does. Her perspective is so limited, but if she obeys, she will be much safer than if she does not.
In this instance, one can see that obedience can be our friend and not just a slave master.
Ephesians 6:1 states, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” Even children can obey. The Holy Bible says that this is right. How much more right is it for God’s children to obey their Heavenly Father?
If you hear His warning as Baby hears mine, do what she does. Listen, stop, obey and wait. If Baby can do it, so can you. It can keep you safe from danger and spare you the needless suffering of consequences due to a poor choice.
Deena Hall says
Awww… I miss my Baby! I’m so glad you wrote about her. It’s funny though. She never seemed to be one to obey when she was in the house. Thanks for putting up a picture, Mom 🙂 Love you!