(Continued from An Easter Exercise)
I placed her in front of the church by the pulpit and set the microphone in front of her. I held it for her. She practiced the song a few times for me and delivered it flawlessly. “This is adorable,” I thought. “The church people will really enjoy this.”
I put the microphone back in its place on the pulpit.
While my back was turned, Lizzy took a fancy to the Easter lily. I am not sure what she did, but I heard a thud and turned to see the plant tipped over on the floor. The largest bud broke!
Yikes! Anger boiled hot inside me. I could not believe she did this. How embarrassing! In my attempt to delight the congregation, I ruined their plant by my inattentiveness. The temptation to yell at my child did cross my mind.
But in that moment a still, small voice broke into my consciousness. “If you bawl her out now she will never want to sing in front of a group again.” I held my peace.
I look back on that event and marvel at the presence and the voice of God coming to me at a moment when my reserves were spent. I believe this snapshot into our past shows a pivotal day for my daughter’s love of music. The Lord oversaw and knew best for both me and my daughter. I am so glad He led me in my response to the situation.
To this day, I thoroughly enjoy hearing Lizzy sing. Besides that, I dearly love singing with her.
photo credit: jdn via photo pin cc
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