June is a big wedding month. It was my wedding month. In honor of that happiest day of days, I would like to share a bit of the joy we shared.
We chose to write our wedding vows and arrange our entire service. I wrote a song. We felt thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father who had brought us to this day of commitment. Besides that, as a singer, I delighted in singing to my beloved.
During our ceremony, I faced my groom, looking deeply into his eyes. We held both of each other’s hands. The guitar music began and I sang my song to my new husband.
As you peruse wedding music in which to mark the your big day, read these words that I have written below. You may be looking for a song to express your deep feelings as you enter into a life-long commitment with your mate.
Contact me for the music. It is copyrighted so you must contact me for permission to use the text and/or music in anyway. NOTE: The final refrain comes from the Holy Bible in Colossians 3:14.
“One Day That I Cherish”
Wenda Grabau©1981
One day that I cherish
More than all the rest,
Is the day I met Jesus
Who drew me to His breast.
And now here’s another day
Blessed from above
When God seals our hearts
With the bond of His love.
As we walk the path of life
We know not what lies ahead,
But with God lighting our pathway
We’ve nothing to dread.
Many storms may try to shake us
As we’re led by God’s hand.
But nothing, oh, no nothing
Shall move this Rock
On which we stand today.
This Rock shall stay.
And above all else
Let us put on love
Which binds all things
In perfect harmony…
In perfect harmony.
photo credit: sjrankin Wild Daisy via photopin (license)
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