Many facets of life exist. Since I have not heard much chatter publicly about the facet of life that resembles mine, I am eager to reveal my side of marriage.
I came from a family of one mom and one dad. There were 4 of us children and I am the eldest. Growing up at home was not perfect, but comfortable enough that when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my heart said, “A wife and mom.”
My mom and dad made a commitment to marriage and spent over 60 years loving and caring for each other. My maternal and paternal grandparents each celebrated their golden anniversaries before death separated them. So you could say I had good examples to follow.
Over the years I matured. My attitude toward marriage was formed and became established. I saw it as a Holy Institution set forth by God to bless us and society with godly children. My conviction as to the permanence of marriage became well-entrenched in my mind.
By the time I had committed my life to living for Jesus Christ, my hopes were to find a godly Christian man who wanted to glorify Christ with his life. Some folks might think my standards were pretty high, narrow or impossible. The Holy Bible says that, “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).
It is my experience that God gave me the “delight of my heart” (Psalm 37:4) with bringing a godly, Christian man into my life. As it happened, we sought the Lord’s will in our relationship. Through prayer, godly counsel, and waiting for God’s leadership, we determined that it was indeed God’s plan for us to honor Him with our lives as a married couple.
I did not have to “shop” around for a husband. I did not have to cheapen myself to be like the world which hailed the “so-called benefits” of immorality. I did find satisfaction from learning of God’s ways, of His design for my life and of loving and obeying Him. God did the rest.
Trusting God is easier to do when we get to know Him through His Word, the Holy Bible. We also benefit from being with other believers who can encourage us as we set our hearts to know Him. I hope you will make it your heart’s desire to learn about God’s will for your life and to know Him personally. Search for Him in the Holy Bible. It will be your spiritual food.
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For a personal testimony of how God’s Word can affect marriage, check out this website.