This morning started out like a normal one. It included hay baling. In addition, I planned to process apples, grapes and tomatoes. I popped a beef roast into the oven and set about to work on the rest of our dinner when I heard the wild ringing of our doorbell. No guests ring the bell like that, so I knew my husband needed me to unlock the door-fast!

Words I had never heard before came tumbling out of his mouth. “The woodshed is on fire!!!” He made the 911 call for help.
I struggled to get my sandals on in order to run outside and to see what he meant.
Just out the front door I looked to the east at a shed where lumber is stored. It looked normal to me. So then, I looked to the west where our winter supply of firewood is stored. Smoke billowed from behind the buildings on that half of the farm. Fire made its home here on our place today.
We ran to the site to see the charring firewood being consumed. Along with that, orange flames climbed up the tall trees in the background. “Oh, Lord, help us,” we called out. My husband, Randy, and I moved a hay wagon away from the fire.
I ran in the house for better footwear. I called my daughter in haste, to let her know that we needed prayer. I called our pastor and left him a message as well. When I got back outdoors my husband was running 5-gallon buckets of water to the hot spot.

I filled pails for him at the calf shed trough. He was dousing a nearby shed that housed lumber. Losing the firewood was a concern, but home-sawn lumber was another matter. That could not easily be replaced.
As I filled the pails, I heard the sweet sound of a siren. It was music to my ears this morning. Three trucks came to help us. Once the hoses were unloaded the firefighters sprayed the flames to a smolder. The tree fire stopped. They located hidden hot spots and showered them with thousands of gallons of water.

Fire is a force that has uncontrolled power. One can easily see his helpless state when the flames roar upward. We give our God thanks for His help. The wind was minimal. The emergency crew dealt handily with a force that we were not able to control by ourselves.
The leap of flame could have overtaken our home and our business. But God watched over us and those who intervened on our behalf.
If you have a situation that you see is out of control in your life, call out to God. Jesus Christ has already intervened on your behalf. Place your life in His capable hands. Then your life will not be overcome by a leap of flame, but, rather, a leap of faith in Jesus. He will not disappoint you.
photo credit: osiatynska via photo pin cc
photo credit: tmaioli via photo pin cc
photo credit: Defence Images via photo pin cc
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