My eldest daughter made this exquisite gift and gave to her younger sister for Christmas this past year.
It took thought to decide what to give and it took thoughtfulness and self-discipline to set the time aside to crochet it. Its value far exceeds the dollars and cents required to produce it.
Can you guess how many stitches went into the creation of this gift? I can’t, but I do know each stitch was made with love and gladness.

You may have a craft in which you are proficient. Or you may have one you would like to perfect. Use it. Take the time to make handmade gifts for your loved ones. It may not be very costly, but it will be valuable especially when in is made with love.
photo credit: Deena Hall
photo credit: Deena Hall
I’m LOVING your website. Beautiful photos and sendiments.
I am so glad you enjoy it. Thanks for the encourageing words. They are especially important when they come from you. Wendy