Hurray! The corn and oats are finally planted. Last weekend we had the time and the sunny weather to plant the vegetable garden. Our children came home and gave us great aid in finishing up that task.

With the hustle of the planting over, I had the time to take a walk around the yard to enjoy the spring spectacle so near the farmhouse. I hope you enjoy these pretty sights. The azaleas and hosta plants do well in the shade on the northern side of the house.

Many of these plants I have planted. Many, however, are our inheritance from those who have gone before us. For example, this spirea has been here the entire time that I have lived on this farm. It was here many years before that. It stands up to the sub-zero weather of our winters and responds well to pruning

This delicate perennial, the columbine, blooms yearly. When I make a special bouquet, this delicate flower adds interest and depth as it contrasts with larger flowers.
I hope this little peek into God’s creations here on the farm encourage you to see His handiwork where you are.
photo credits:Wenda Grabau
Such pretty flowers 🙂 I can’t believe the singer has gone by so fast, and I can’t wait to see all these flowers again!