On the farm, milk is our business, but it is also our beverage.
We use the milk from our cows. It is refrigerated in the milk house as soon as it comes out of the cow. We use about a gallon and a half in a day or two.
As the milk sets in my kitchen refrigerator the cream rises to the top. Before we drink it, I like to skim most of the cream. We drink and cook with the skimmed milk. The cream is used for many purposes. As it sours in makes biscuits, pancakes, breads, cakes or cookies. We sometimes even make ice cream.
I thought you might like to see how the skimming gets done, since it won’t be a common practice in most kitchens.
photo credit:Wenda Grabau
photo credit:Bretta Grabau
Meringue Cookies »
I miss good milk too. what spoiled kids we were!
Not many have had the same chance you did.
Yep. They sure miss out!
We are making ice cream with the skimmed cream today.
So jealous!